Many voters love the feel and timing of casting their ballot on Election Day. From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. your neighborhood-based polling location will be open to your community. The address of the polling location is on your voter information card. Tear out the card for future reference.
For several years Seminole County has had more early voting centers per square mile than any other county in the southeastern United States. We will send you a sample ballot in the month before the election with a listing and map to your closest early voting center.
While lines in Seminole County are historically the region’s shortest, many voters avoid any lines by having a ballot sent to them by mail. Complete the form on the back page of our voter guide, click the button below, or call 407-585-VOTE (8683) to start voting from home.
Whether you choose to have the ballot mailed to you, visit one of our early voting centers, or go to the polls on Election Day - you’ll receive a trusted paper ballot. Seminole County has voted using pen-to-paper ballots for more than two decades. For voters with disabilities, we have ADA-compliant voting with audio ballots and a large-text voting option.
Use the Provisional Ballot Cure Affidavit instructions and form below. This affidavit is for a voter whose provisional ballot certificate does not include the voter’s signature or whose signature does not match the voter’s signature on file.
Fishy Political Mailer? Check to confirm if it's official at
1500 E. Airport Blvd.
Sanford, FL 32773
P.O. Box 1479
Sanford, FL 32772
Contact our Custodian
of Public Records at:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 407-708-7717
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